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The necessary elements to consider when identifying an ideal organizational structure

dc.contributor.authorBurns, Bryant 2020
dc.descriptionThis study explores research related to specific characteristics of organizations and how they influence performance. The purpose is to provide clarity on what elements should be considered in order to effectively influence organizational structure. By examining past attempts at organizational success and other models of structure, the goal is to determine what a proper company design looks like given the organizational variables. Although these variables may be company dependent, it is thought that there are necessary elements for all organizational foundations. Of these elements, some of them relate to organizational leadership. Leadership style is another aspect reviewed to determine the overall impact based on well-known methods used. Throughout the analysis components of job satisfaction, employee commitment and company performance are evaluated to show the correlation between employee satisfaction and company success, as it is thought that these two variables shine light on what it is to be an ideal organization.
dc.titleThe necessary elements to consider when identifying an ideal organizational structure
dc.titleThe necessary elements to consider when identifying an ideal organizational structure

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